April is Women of Colour Wellness month here at The Afro Hair & Skin Co. Join us throughout April 2017 as we embark on a month of wellness to build daily rituals of self care into our routines. (more below)
We believe that the practice of self-care is necessary to our feelings of inner harmony and balance. Our energy levels decrease and stress levels increase when we fail to prioritise ourselves and take the essential steps to promote wellness. We ask you to do one small things each day that contributes to your sense of fulfilment. Self care should not be saved for special occassions, instead we take the view that it's intergral to our wellbeing as a whole.
To follow our journey head over to our instagram here and share your wellness journey with us via our hashtag #wocwellness.
Find out more: https://www.theafrohairandskincompany.co.uk/pages/wocwellness